An interview with our DAR

What’s tougher: being the Annettes Council Chairman or convincing your parents to leave a Rotary meeting on time?
Being A DAR is more challenging as per rotary rules it means to be on time is the first criteria along with it comes meetings, planning, executions. Being the DAR includes the challenge of attending the meeting on time.
As an Annette, do you ever feel like a seasoned veteran among kids? Any funny moments where someone called you ‘youngster’?
Being the DAR, it involves a lot of confidence and experience in organising activities which makes us feel like a seasoned veteran amongst the Annette’s.
What’s the funniest excuse you’ve heard from a fellow Annette for missing a meeting? Did it involve homework or Netflix?
One day a fellow Annette came running half past the meeting saying that he missed getting down at the designated metro as he was busy watching Netflix. After reaching the venue, he very innocently accepted for being negligent and apologise for being late. All the members started laughing and clapped him for him for being so true and honest.
Growing up with Rotarian parents, did you ever feel like Rotary meetings were the ultimate test of patience? Any survival tips?
Growing up with Rotarian parents, I see the highest level of patience required, clarity of thoughts and expressions, leadership qualities to create fellowship and bonding amongst the members and last but not least dedication to serve humanity selflessly.
If you had a rupee for every time someone called you a kid, how many Rotary projects could you fund by now?
If I had a rupee for every time someone called me a kid, I might have enough to fund quite a few Rotary projects! Small and impacting projects like feeding the cows, feeding pigeons, releasing cows from slaughter houses, providing good drinking water to poor would be my priority.
What’s the most creative project the Annettes have come up with that made even the adults say, ‘Why didn’t we think of that?’
One of the best projects we as the Annette’s of Noble hearts had been, the Annette’s raised money for 11 artificial limbs from their pocket money. The Annette’s personally came forward when the limbs were distributed and interacted with the beneficiaries and were emotional when they could see tears in the eyes of beneficiaries. Such a soul satisfying experience it was.
Have you ever used your Annette status to sneak extra snacks at Rotary events? Any success stories?
NO! I have never used my status for personal benefits but have taken advantage of my position to help elderly to get snacks in jiffy.
What’s your go-to strategy for keeping fellow Annettes engaged—bribery with candy or promises of karaoke nights?
I would definitely like to give candy perks or any other surprise gifts like early bird registration, gifts for people who reach venues on time, best participating Annette’s, most deserving Annette’s clubs. Definitely a karaoke party at the concluding party of my post wherein I would want all the Annette’s to attend in maximum numbers.
Do you ever catch yourself thinking, ‘I could totally run this Rotary event better’? How do you resist the urge to take over?
I want the maximum support from District governor, PDGS, District Annette’s chairman, PDARs and my team without which I cannot think of working effectively and efficiently. To think of taking over anything solely is like a nightmare. Teamwork, cooperation and coordination is the way I look forward to work during my tenure.
What’s the best advice you can give to younger Annettes who feel like they’re always in their parents’ Rotary shadow? Bonus points if it involves ice cream.
Younger Annettes! If you ever feel like you’re always in your parents’ Rotary shadow, remember this: Every individual is unique and have their own hidden talents. Just like you choose your favourite ice cream flavour wisely choose your area of interests, explore and enhance your talents on rotary platform and gain recognition.
Do not lose this Golden Opportunity!