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Vital Vibes

The Crown of Confidence: Non-Surgical hair regrowth that works

The Crown of Confidence: Non-Surgical hair regrowth that works

A smooth, shiny head can be a bold, distinguished look—but let’s be honest, most of us would rather keep our crowning glory. Hair boosts our confidence and helps us feel more like ourselves. While it’s a personal choice, if you want to maintain a full mane into your 40s and 50s, it’s smart to start early.

Not everyone wins the genetic hair lottery. Some flaunt thick, luscious locks effortlessly, while others must stay vigilant for early signs of hair loss. The first clues? Hair fall, thinning, and increased scalp visibility. Men, keep an eye on your front hairline and crown; women, watch your front hairline and middle partition—these are often the first areas to thin.

So, what’s the plan when you notice these signs? That’s where non-surgical hair regrowth treatments like PRP, GFC, and QR678 come in—your hair’s new best friends.

PRP: The Power of Your Own Growth Factors
PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) uses your blood, processed to concentrate growth factors, and injects it into your scalp to stimulate hair follicles. Remember, PRP is a marathon, not a sprint—you’ll need about 9 to 10 sessions to see results.

GFC: The PRP Upgrade
GFC (Growth Factor Concentrate) enhances PRP by adding preloaded growth factors, delivering similar or better results in just 3 to 4 sessions. It’s like upgrading from a jog to a sprint—faster and more effective.

QR678: The Cutting-Edge Contender
QR678, the latest in hair regrowth, is a plant-based biomimetic polypeptide that eliminates blood draws. This quick, painless injection takes just ten minutes and offers results that rival GFC. FDA-approved and holding a U.S. patent, QR678 is rapidly becoming a global favorite in non-surgical hair restoration.

The Follicle Factor: When Non-Surgical Treatments Work
Here’s the catch—these treatments only work if you still have active hair follicles. If your scalp has turned shiny and bald, non-surgical options won’t be effective. But don’t worry; hair transplant surgery is still an option.

The Bottom Line: Choose Your Crown Wisely
Whether you embrace the bald look or want to keep your locks, the choice is yours. If you’re not ready to give up your hair just yet, start your hair care routine now. After all, a full head of hair is still a crown many of us prefer to wear.

Rtn. Dr. Priya Prabhakar MDS, PGDCC

Secretary, Rotary Club of Chennai Sun Rise

Professional Diploma in Dermatology, Royal College of Physicians, Ireland

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