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Septermber 2024 Travel

A Country Without Traffic Lights BHUTAN My Favourite Destination

A Country Without Traffic Lights BHUTAN My Favourite Destination

Explore, Dream and Discover through travel is my passion and through this I would love describe my most loved travel destination, Bhutan. This country located in Himalayas, is sandwiched between India, China and Tibet. With a population less than one million, Bhutan is a unique destination for unique travel experience.

Bhutan is a small country with a colourful cultural tapestry and deeply rooted beliefs. Bhutan’s landscape is mind-blowing. From high-altitude mountain passes to towns and hamlets in the low valleys, you’ll find unique environments and climates to explore. When I decided to travel to Bhutan, my expectation was it must be another South East Asian country in Himalayas similar to Nepal.

The fact is that this tiny Himalayan country is totally different from its neighbors and stands first in the following:

70% Forest and produces more oxygen than carbon-di-oxide hence world’s only carbon negative country

A country where there are no traffic lights in its cities and traffic rules are strictly adhered. In Thimpu, the capital city with not a single traffic light, the main intersections are manned by policemen who direct traffic. When a single traffic light was once erected, public outcry resulted in its swift removal within 24 hrs.

The country’s growth and development are measured by the Gross Happiness Index instead of GDP. Bhutan leads the list of countries in World Happiness Index.

A country that believes in low-volume and high-value tourism. For all foreign tourists Bhutan charges Sustainable Development Fee to support Bhutan’s development by funding various projects aimed at improving facilities for citizens and visitors.

To promote jobs for local youths, all foreign tourists should employ a local guide while visiting Bhutan

Way back in 1999 itself Bhutan banned plastic bags and sale of tobacco products

The country’s only airport in Paro, is known as the most dangerous airport to land on in the whole world. And guess what? ONLY 8 trained pilots are allowed to fly in and out of Paro. If you ever get to land in Paro, it’s going to be one of a kind.

One thing that is quite interesting about Bhutan is the fact that all citizens officially become a year older on New Year’s Day. If people forget their birthday due to illiteracy or some other reason, it is easier to remember it by celebrating on New Year. Bhutanese give more priority to year than month or date, hence the tradition.

Eventhough a small nation with limited sources, the Bhutan currency is on par with Indian currency exhibiting the nations strength.

My travel experience in Bhutan together with mind boggling mountain views, clean environment and friendly locals, made Bhutan my favorite destination.

Tail peace: For those who are interested in yellow metal, Gold, Bhutan offers lowest Gold price (not Dubai) to promote tourism.

Rtn. Dr. P.R. Srinivasan

President, Rotary Club of Chennai East R.A. Puram

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