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December '24 Lifestyle

Be-Do-Have: The Secret to Living, Not Just Existing

Be-Do-Have: The Secret to Living, Not Just Existing

Life’s irony: we spend 70% of our time doing things we think we should do, only to wake up one day and wonder, “What about the things I actually love?” It’s like running on a treadmill and realizing you’ve gone nowhere.

Here’s the problem: we live in a Have-Do-Be world. “When I have more time, I’ll do what I love, and then I’ll be happy.” Sounds familiar? But here’s the kicker: that day rarely comes. It’s time to flip the script.


When you start by being, everything else falls into place. For example: When I am happy, I naturally do better, and what I want follows. It’s like putting the horse before the cart, instead of dragging the poor thing backwards.

Think about it! happiness isn’t something you get after achieving a goal. It’s what fuels you to achieve it in the first place.

“Stop waiting for the stars to align. Be the sun and shine anyway.”

Here’s how I look at life:

The 4 elements of IKIGAI ( Life’s purpose )

                😇Being a doctor is my profession – what I’m good at.

                😇Dancing is my passion – what sets my soul on fire.

                😇Being a Rotarian is my mission – my way of giving back to the world

                😇Writing and motivating others is my vocation – my voice to the world.

Together, they make my life a buffet of meaning, not just a fixed menu.

“Life isn’t about finding balance; it’s about creating harmony in the chaos.”

The secret? Start with being. Be happy, be curious, be bold. The doing will follow, and the having will come as a natural byproduct. Stop chasing joy like it’s a destination and start living it like it’s a mindset.

So, the next time someone asks you, “What do you do?” flip it on them: “What am I being? Remember it’s not “Doing” that matters; it’s the “Being” …. We are human beings and not human doings!

Because life isn’t about waiting to live. It’s about being alive

Rtn. Dr. Deepashree

Past President, Rotary Club of Madras Mount

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