Be-Do-Have: The Secret to Living, Not Just Existing

Life’s irony: we spend 70% of our time doing things we think we should do, only to wake up one day and wonder, “What about the things I actually love?” It’s like running on a treadmill and realizing you’ve gone nowhere.
Here’s the problem: we live in a Have-Do-Be world. “When I have more time, I’ll do what I love, and then I’ll be happy.” Sounds familiar? But here’s the kicker: that day rarely comes. It’s time to flip the script.
When you start by being, everything else falls into place. For example: When I am happy, I naturally do better, and what I want follows. It’s like putting the horse before the cart, instead of dragging the poor thing backwards.
Think about it! happiness isn’t something you get after achieving a goal. It’s what fuels you to achieve it in the first place.
“Stop waiting for the stars to align. Be the sun and shine anyway.”
Here’s how I look at life:
The 4 elements of IKIGAI ( Life’s purpose )
😇Being a doctor is my profession – what I’m good at.
😇Dancing is my passion – what sets my soul on fire.
😇Being a Rotarian is my mission – my way of giving back to the world
😇Writing and motivating others is my vocation – my voice to the world.
Together, they make my life a buffet of meaning, not just a fixed menu.
“Life isn’t about finding balance; it’s about creating harmony in the chaos.”
The secret? Start with being. Be happy, be curious, be bold. The doing will follow, and the having will come as a natural byproduct. Stop chasing joy like it’s a destination and start living it like it’s a mindset.
So, the next time someone asks you, “What do you do?” flip it on them: “What am I being? Remember it’s not “Doing” that matters; it’s the “Being” …. We are human beings and not human doings!
Because life isn’t about waiting to live. It’s about being alive