Unlock Your World: The Power of LearningMultiple Languages by Ann Sheela Anand

In our vibrant Chennai, where auto-rickshaw drivers seamlessly switch between Tamil, English, and Hindi faster than they weave through traffic, we’re already living in a multilingual paradise. Yet, as I often share with fellow Rotarians, learning additional languages, especially foreign ones, can open

The Power of Soft Skills in Today’s World by Ann Aparna S Pillai

Have you ever thought that success is no longer defined solely by technical expertise or academic credentials? The real difference-maker is a set of essential abilities called soft skills. These skills are based on our emotional intelligence, communication, and teamwork, which in turn

Little Hearts, Big Emotions: A Preschool Teacher’s Guide by Ann A. Sangamithra

As someone who spends her days surrounded by tiny tots at Sakshi Play School, I often tell parents that running a preschool is like conducting an orchestra where none of the musicians have read the music sheet – and that’s the beauty of

Seeds of Change: A Rotarian’s Path to Educational Leadership

As Rotarians, we constantly seek meaningful ways to serve our communities and create lasting change. Among these opportunities, establishing and running a preschool stands out as a powerful avenue for service above self – one that shapes not just individual lives but entire