The Heart of Professionalism: Lessons from ‘The Professional’

As a Rotarian and Chartered Accountant, I find myself reflecting on what it truly means to be a professional in today’s complex world. The book “The Professional” by Subroto Bagchi offers profound insights that resonate deeply with my experiences and values, making it

Embracing the Subtle Art: A Reflective Review

Think of your life as a garden with a limited amount of space, sunlight, and water. Each plant represents something you care about—your relationships, career, hobbies, and personal growth. If you try to cultivate too many plants, none will thrive due to lack

Atomic Habits by James Clear

As the incoming secretary of the Rotary Club of Guindy and someone deeply invested in personal and professional growth, I found James Clear’s “Atomic Habits” to be a transformative read. Clear’s insights into habit formation and behaviour change are not just applicable to