September 22, 2024

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Editor's Desk

Editor’s Desk – September 2024

Editor’s Desk – September 2024

Greetings, Fellow Rotarians!

I Iam thrilled to welcome you to the third issue of Voice of RID 3233! As always, I must start by extending my heartfelt thanks to all our wonderful contributors. Your enthusiasm and dedication have made this magazine a true reflection of our vibrant Rotary community.

This month, we are excited to welcome two new members to our magazine team—Rtn. Surendran and Rtn. Sangeetha. Their energy and creativity have already added a fresh spark to our content, and we are thrilled to have them on board.

A special shoutout to our District Governor, who took us on a virtual journey to Tirupathi with his latest interview. Who knew a pilgrimage could be so enlightening and fun? It’s a must-read!

I also want to extend my deepest gratitude to our District Learning Facilitator, PDG Muthu Palaniappan, for his extensive interview. His insights are nothing short of inspiring, and I am certain they will resonate with Rotarians across the district.

This issue is packed with even more engaging articles, insightful stories, and delightful surprises. Whether you are looking for inspiration, a laugh, or something to ponder, I am sure there’s something in here for everyone.

As always, we are eager to hear from you. Keep sending in your articles, poems, and stories—it’s your contributions that make this magazine shine.

And don’t forget to share Voice of RID 3233 with your friends and family. Let’s spread the word and show them what makes Rotary so special. Enjoy the read, and here is to many more exciting issues ahead!

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