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Editor's Desk

From the Editor’s Desk

From the Editor’s Desk

Dear Rotarians,

It is with great pleasure and pride that I present to you the inaugural issue of “Voice of RID 3233”. This magazine represents the collective spirit, passion, and dedication of our district’s Rotarians, and I am honoured to serve as its editor.

First and foremost, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our District Governor,
Rtn. Mahaveer Bothra, for entrusting me with the opportunity to bring this magazine to life. His vision and unwavering support have been instrumental in making this initiative a reality.

I am deeply thankful to our District Learning Facilitator, PDG Muthu Palaniappan, and our District Secretaries, Dr. Ram Kumar and Rtn. Senthil, for their constant encouragement and support. Their guidance has been invaluable in shaping the direction of this magazine.

A special thank you goes to PDG I S A K Nazar, whose guidance and motivation have been pivotal in bringing this project to fruition. His wisdom and insight have inspired us to strive for excellence.
I would also like to express my gratitude to PDG R Srinivasan, PDG G Chandramohan, and PDG Dr. Nandakumar for their blessings and felicitations. Their support has been a source of great strength and inspiration for our team.

This magazine would not have been possible without the contributions of the Presidents, Secretaries, District officers, and Rotarians who have shared their expertise and insights in such a short period. Your articles reflect the diverse talents and passions within our district and are a testament to the vibrant Rotary spirit.

A big thank you to the District Communications team – Rtn. Bhuvaneswari, Rtn. Kesavan, and Rtn. Sathyapriya – for their tireless efforts in ensuring that this magazine was brought out on time. Your dedication and hard work have been exemplary.

“Voice of RID 3233” aims to reflect the passion and profession of Rotarians from District 3233, fostering bonds over mutual interests and shared goals. We are committed to making this magazine a monthly publication, filled with engaging and entertaining articles that resonate with our members.

We seek your continuous support through sharing your articles, views, and tips with us. Please also share this magazine with your non-Rotarian friends to spread the word about Rotary and encourage new memberships.

Together, let us make “Voice of RID 3233” a platform that celebrates the essence of Rotary and strengthens our fellowship.

Yours in Rotary,
Rtn. Sashikumar VS
District Communications Chairman
Editor, Voice of RID 3233

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